Team Member

Ainsely Moore

Ainsely Moore



Dr. Ainsley Moore is a family physician at Stonechurch Family Health Centre. She completed a Master of Science program at the University of Guelph in 1993. Her focus of study was children’s nutritional status in highland Ecuador. In 1996, Dr. Moore graduated from McMaster University medical school, and subsequently graduated from McMaster’s Family Medicine Residency program in 1998.

Dr. Moore has provided primary care to a diverse population in a multidisciplinary family health team at the Rosedale Medical Group in Hamilton since 1999. In 2007, Dr. Moore accepted an assistant clinical professor position at the Stonechurch Family Health Centre, which happened to be the residency site from where she graduated in 1998.

Dr. Moore’s interests lie in developing, promoting and understanding interdisciplinary collaboration and education in the primary care setting, behavioural sciences. For leisure, she likes to travel and provide care to stray animals.