
Dee Mangin

Dee Mangin



Research Focus:
  • Active surveillance
  • Administrative Data
  • Research Methods
  • Health Services Policy/Pharmaceutical Policy
  • Knowledge Translation/Implementation Science
  • Other. Pharmacovigilance – Patient Report & Safety and Effectiveness RCTs
  • Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, McMaster University
  • Associate Professor, Director of Research, University of Otago, Christchurch
  • David Braley & Nancy Gordon Chair in Family Medicine


Dee Mangin moved to Canada from New Zealand in late 2013. Prior to moving to Canada she was the Director of the Primary Care Unit at the University of Otago, Christchurch as well as a Clinical Advisory Board member and Clinical Leader for Research Audit and Evaluation at the Pegasus Health Primary Healthcare Organisation. She was a Ministerially appointed member of the Pharmaceutical and Therapeutic Products Advisory Committee to PHARMAC and served on the Southern Region Ethics Committee. She is a Fellow of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners and in 2011 received their Distinguished Service Medal.

Her broad interests are rational prescribing, innovative models of primary care delivery, and the influences of science, policy and commerce on the nature of care. She has expertise in the effects on prescribing of pharmaceutical company promotion to consumers and physicians. She has wide clinical research experience in primary care using observational quantitative research methods including cohort studies, cross sectional studies and case control studies. She has specific experience in interventional studies: in community RCTs of innovative models of care, and of clinical interventions including antidepressant use, community acquired pneumonia, antibiotics in urinary tract infection, and in “deprescribing” trials of the reduction of multiple medicines in older adults in older age, and effective incorporation of evidence into patient centred practice.

Selected Research Projects or Publications:

  1. Healy D, Mangin D, Applbaum K (2014). The Shipwreck of the Singular. Social Studies of Science. Published online 11 June 2014. DOI: 10.1177/0306312714536270.
  2. Mangin D, Dowson C, Wells E, Fergusson D, Town I, Darlow B, Abbott G. (2014) Association of infant iron status with long term cognitive, behavioural and motor outcomes: A prospective longitudinal study.
  3. Jamoulle M, Mangin D. (2014) Quaternary Prevention: a conceptual model for preventing the harms of excess medical care.
  4. Currie O, Mangin D, Williman J, McKinnon-Gee B, Bridgford P. The comparative risk of new-onset diabetes after prescription of drugs for cardiovascular risk prevention in primary care: a national cohort study. BMJ Open. November 1, 2013 2013;3(11). doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003475
  5. Hudson B, Toop L, Mangin D, Brunton C, Jennings L and Fletcher L. (2013). Pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09: risk of infection in primary healthcare workers. Br J Gen Pract 63:307-308. doi: 10.3399/bjgp13X668212
  6. Mangin D, Heath I, Jamoulle M. Beyond diagnosis: rising to the comorbidity challenge. British Medical Journal 344:e3526, 2012 doi: org/10.1136/bmj.e3526
  7. Starfield B, Gervais J, Mangin D. Clinical care and health disparities. Annual Review of Public Health 33(1), April 2012. doi: 10.1146/annurev-publhealth-031811-124528
  8. Mangin D, Heath I. Polypharmacy. (Polifarmacia). In: Textbook of Family and Community Medicine ed Gustavo Gusso. 2012 Book Chapter (award for Best Medical Textbook Brazil 2012)
  9. Mangin D, Murdoch D, Wells JE, Coughlan E, Bagshaw S, Corwin P, Chambers S, Toop L. Chlamydia trachomatis Testing sensitivity in midstream compared with first-void urine specimens. Annals of Family Medicine 10(1):50-3, 2012. doi: 10.1370/afm.1323
  10. Caplan GA, Sulaiman NS, Mangin DA, Ricauda NA, Wilson AD, Barclay L. A meta-analysis of “hospital in the home”. Med J Aust 197(9):512-9, 2012 doi: 10.5694/mja12.10480
  11. Starfield B, Mangin D. (2011). An international perspective on the basis of pay-for-performance. In: The quality and outcomes framework (QOF): Transforming general practice (pp. 147-155). S. Gillam & A. N. Siriwardena (Eds.), Abingdon, UK: Radcliffe
  12. Garfinkel D, Mangin D. Addressing polypharmacy: Feasibility study of a systematic approach for discontinuation of multiple medications in older adults. Archives of Internal Medicine 170 (18):1648-54 (October 11) 2010.
  13. Understanding and responding to pharmaceutical promotion – a practical guide. Editors: Mintzes B Mangin DA Hayes L. World Health Organisation 2010 (awarded 25th annual Prix Prescrire Book: Health and Medicine)
  14. Mangin D, Sweeney K, Heath I. Preventive health care in elderly people needs rethinking. British Medical Journal 335:285-7 (August) 2007.
  15. Mangin D and Toop L. Quality and outcomes framework: what have you done to yourselves? British Journal of General Practice 57(539):435-7 (June) 2007.
  16. Mangin DA, Toop LJ, Chambers ST, Ikram R, Harris B Increased rates of Trimethoprim Resistance in Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infection: cause for concern? NZMJ 88 (5)
  17. Richards D*, Toop L , Epton M, McGeoch GRB , Town I, Wynn-Thomas S, Dawson R, Hlavac M, Werno A, Abernethy P. Home management of mild to moderately severe community acquired pneumonia: a randomized controlled trialMJA 2005, 183(5):235-8
  18. Richards D*, Toop LJ, Chambers ST, Fletcher L. Response to antibiotics of women with symptoms of urinary tract infection but negative dipstick urine test results: double blind randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2005; July; 331(7509):143-145
  19. Selected Grants
  20. Co-investigator: Health Research Council of New Zealand (2014) A randomized controlled trial of nortriptyline in knee osteoarthritis ($1,190,921)
  21. Co-investigator: Health Research Council of New Zealand (2014) Multimorbidity: the most common chronic condition of all ($1,199,968)
  22. Principal Investigator: Health Research Council of New Zealand (2008-2014) Stable primary care depression: maintenance vs gradual withdrawal of fluoxetine ($1,700,000)
  23. Principal Investigator: University of Otago Research Grant 2009 and Canterbury Medical Research Foundation Research Grants 2009 Cognitive and Behavioural Outcomes in Long Term Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Use ($100 000)
  24. Co-investigator: Ontario Medical Association / Ministry of Long Term Care Demonstration Project Funding The MedREACH Project – Addressing unmet health needs of medically complex patients through collaboration between primary and specialist care ($750 000)