
Ingrid Sketris

Ingrid Sketris



Research Focus:
  • Administrative Data
  • Health Services and Policy/Pharmaceutical Policy
  • Knowledge Translation/Implementation Science
  • Professor, College of Pharmacy, Community Health and Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Administration, Dalhousie University


Dr. Sketris is a graduate of the University of Toronto (BSc(Phm), 1977), University of Minnesota (PharmD, 1979), University of Tennessee, Centre for Health Sciences (Residency in Clinical Toxicology/Pharmacy Practice, 1980) and Dalhousie University (MPA(HSA) 1989). She is a Professor of the College of Pharmacy, School of Health Administration and the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, Dalhousie University. She is a fellow of the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists, the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences and the American National Academies of Practice. Dr. Sketris was a member of the Scientific Advisory Panel of the Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment (1996-1998) and of the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (1999-2004). She was a member of the CIHR Institute Advisory Board for Health Services and Policy Research (2003-2009 including Vice Chair), a nongovernmental councilor of the Health Council of Canada (2010-2013) and a board member of Research Canada. From 2000-2011 she held a chair in drug use management and policy funded by CIHR/CHSRF and cosponsored by the Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation and established the IMPART research unit From 2011 she has been the Knowledge Translation team lead for the Canadian Network for Observational Drug Effect Studies funded by CIHR

Selected Research Projects or Publications:

  1. Adherence to Guidelines and the Screening Tool of Older Persons’ Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions Criteria for Colchicine Dosing for Gout Treatment in Beneficiaries of the Nova Scotia Seniors’ Pharmacare Program.
    Black E, Sketris I, Skedgel C, MacLean E, Hanly JG.
    Clin Ther. 2015 Oct 1;37(10):2339-46
  2. From “retailers” to health care providers: Transforming the role of community pharmacists in chronic disease management.
    Mossialos E, Courtin E, Naci H, Benrimoj S, Bouvy M, Farris K, Noyce P, Sketris I
    Health Policy. 2015 May;119(5):628-39.
  3. Improving psychosocial health and employment outcomes for individuals receiving methadone treatment: a realist synthesis of what makes interventions work.
    Jackson LA, Buxton JA, Dingwell J, Dykeman M, Gahagan J, Gallant K, Karabanow J, Kirkland S, LeVangie D, Sketris I, Gossop M, Davison C.
    BMC Psychol. 2014 Sep 7;2(1):26.
  4. The geographic accessibility of pharmacies in Nova Scotia.
    Law MR, Heard D, Fisher J, Douillard J, Muzika G, Sketris IS.
    Can Pharm J (Ott). 2013 Jan;146(1):39-46.
  5. Participants’ perceptions of a multidisciplinary training program for graduate and postgraduate students in drug use management and policy.
    Conrad P, Sketris I, Langille-Ingram E.
    Am J Pharm Educ. 2013 Jun 12;77(5):102.
  6. Application of the STOPP/START criteria: a systematic review of the prevalence of potentially inappropriate prescribing in older adults, and evidence of clinical, humanistic and economic impact.
    Hill-Taylor B, Sketris I, Hayden J, Byrne S, O’Sullivan D, Christie R.
    J Clin Pharm Ther. 2013 Oct;38(5):360-72.
  7. Evaluating a clinical practice intervention to promote delivery of salbutamol by metered-dose inhalers with holding chambers in a pediatric emergency department.
    Hill-Taylor BJ, Hurley KF, Sketris I, O’Connell C, Sinclair D, Wing A.
    CJEM. 2013 Mar;15(2):101-8.
  8. Population prevalence of high dose paracetamol in dispensed paracetamol/opioid prescription combinations: an observational study.
    Clark R, Fisher JE, Sketris IS, Johnston GM.
    BMC Clin Pharmacol. 2012 Jun 18;12:11.
  9. CNODES: the Canadian Network for Observational Drug Effect Studies.
    Suissa S, Henry D, Caetano P, Dormuth CR, Ernst P, Hemmelgarn B, Lelorier J, Levy A, Martens PJ, Paterson JM, Platt RW, Sketris I, Teare G; Canadian Network for Observational Drug Effect Studies (CNODES).
    Open Med. 2012 Oct 30;6(4):e134-40.