Team Member
I am a PhD Candidate in Population Health at the University of Ottawa, Canada. I’m a member of Prof Amir Attaran’s research group in the Faculty of Common Law, but I’m technically based in the School of Epidemiology and Community Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine. My dissertation research is at the intersection of topics relating to medicine access, international trade, and patent protection. I have come to learn through this research the importance of medicine patent transparency and am currently engaged in research and action to advocate for heightening such transparency at the international level for lifesaving medicines and those products appearing on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines. I consider myself a social epidemiologist and mixed methods researcher, though my mentors’ training in law, demography, economics, and journalism show through strongly in my own work. As I have been nearing the end of my doctoral studies, I am finding my research and training focusing increasingly upon topics within the field of Health Technology Assessment (HTA), especially the pharmacoeconomic and ELSI (ethical, legal, and social issues) components of these evaluations. I look forward to learning more about drug safety and effectiveness challenges facing Canada and more about options for researching these issues through the DSECT program!