Team Member

Svetlana Puzhko

Svetlana Puzhko



Svetlana Puzhko is a clinician-researcher, originally from Russia, with international work experience in fundamental and clinical medical science. Her research interests are in application of large database analysis and advanced modeling onto evaluation of drug safety and effectiveness in primary care. She is also interested in implementation of precision medicine through knowledge translation (KT) in Canadian primary care. Currently, she is a PhD candidate at the Department of Family Medicine, McGill University, under the supervision of Dr. Gillian Bartlett. For her PhD project, Svetlana has been studying advanced epidemiology and biostatistics, pharmacoepidemiology, KT, and participatory research. During her earlier studies for MSc degree (2013-2015; at Department of Family Medicine, McGill University, in collaboration with University of Montreal), Svetlana acquired knowledge of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research in primary care, and gained hands-on experience with a cohort data (HEPCO, Montreal) analysis. The overarching goal of Svetlana’s studies is inintegration of multiple streams of information, including patient’s characteristics, behavior, and genetic and nongenetic biomarkers, to optimize prescribing in primary care. Her PhD project concerns individualization of pharmacological treatment of depression in primary care, based on body weight, gender, and other characteristics. Svetlana expects that the DSECT training program will extend her knowledge in pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacogenomics, drug policy, and KT, and will provide her with hands-on experience in translating research into clinical practice.