Team Member

Ursula Amstutz

Ursula Amstutz



Ursula Amstutz is currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow with Dr. Bruce Carleton in the Pharmaceutical Outcomes Programme at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, and with the Canadian Pharmacogenomics Network for Drug Safety (CPNDS). Ursula was trained in biology and biomedical sciences at the University of Bern, Switzerland. She obtained her MSc in Biology in the Division of Molecular and Computational Population Genetics, and her PhD in Cellular and Biomedical Sciences at the Institute of Clinical Chemistry at the Bern University Hospital. The main focus of her research is the investigation of genomic biomarkers for severe adverse drug reactions with the goal to make drug therapies safer for all patients. In particular, her current work addresses the study of genetic risk factors for serious drug-induced skin reactions, and the development of guidance tools to facilitate the incorporation of genetic information into clinical decision-making.